Journeys of a cranky community organizer..
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  • oops, ha is too quick to blame this morning

    Posted on April 8th, 2009 iamhandyandy No comments

    So I am reading my normal slug of e-mail as I drink my coffee this morning and I see this messges in my inbox from ExchangeDefender.
    Identity Crisis

    Not wanting to miss a chance to annoy Vlad I sent him this note,

    I think your system is suffering from an identity crisis, it does not recognise itself :>)

    In his normal helpful manner (you can find this Vlad on his business sites, not Valdville his personal site) he sent me back the following explanation,

    It could be SPAM,  not everything from is implicitly trusted because it could be web based generated junk.

    Unfortunately before I got his reply thinking I was so smart, I approved it as always trust sender, so now I have to go back and figure out how to undo that setting. Probably just go into the white-list and remove it.
    And just to make matter worse for my favorite smartass (me), turns out the message was a note from the blog engine asking me if I wanted to approve a reply that had been generated by a robot and contained nothing but spam.

    So I sit here out of coffee and red faced eating crow, but have to admit ExchangeDefender Really Rocks!

    !!disclaimer for conspiracy nuts out there, yes I am a reseller for ExchangeDefender & OwnWebNow, but that does not make the services any less valuable. Corollary, just because I am paranoid does not mean they are not watching :>)


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