HandyAndy’s SBS-Rocks Blog
Journeys of a cranky community organizer..
Learn How To Protect Yourself at the Next Triad SBS Group Meeting
Posted on June 8th, 2009 No commentsComing up on the July 7, 2009 Triad SBS Group meeting, Detective Daniel Horne from the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Dept., Cyber Crime/Computer Forensics Division will be coming to speak with us on tech crime issues that we may run into as IT Professionals and how to handle them to protect ourselves. Detective Horne is also a member of the USSS Electronic Crimes Task Force.
Are you aware that if we know about crimes being performed on a PC and don’t report them correctly we can be charged with a crime as well… Knowing how to handle a “questionable” situation becomes most important according to the crime. He will speak to us and take a Q&A to help us be better prepared for items we are subjected to.
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