2 Chances to Win a Free Pass for SMB Nation
Posted on September 13th, 2009 No commentsThat’s right, if you have been thinking about going to SMB Nation 2009 but needed that little something to push you over the edge here it is.
Both GFI and Calyptix have purchased Full Passes to SMB Nation’s Fall Conference and they are both holding contests to give them away.
Here is the link to the details for the GFI Contest on the Talk Tech To Me Blog, http://www.gfi.com/blog/enter-win-999-free-smb-nation-pass-oct-2nd-4th-las-vegas/
Here is the link to the details for the Calyptix contest (which also includes travel) http://www.calyptix.com/reg-smbnation2009fall-landing.php
I recommend entering both! A little quick math, this conference usually draws around 750 people, if you figure there are as many that want to go as there are that do go, that means you have a 2 in 750 chance of winning. Now I am not a satiation but that sure seems like good odds to me :>)
Good Luck I hope you win so I will get to see you there,
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