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  • Potential iPad Killer Sighted DownUnder

    Posted on October 3rd, 2010 HandyAndy 3 comments
    Could this be the iPad Killer

    Could this be the iPad Killer

    Saturday I was doing research on Facebook (ok wasting time if you want the truth) and I noticed a status update by my friend and fellow SBS-MVP Wayne Small pointing to HIS BLOG POST  talking about a potential iPad Killer. Well I had been thinking of going over to the dark side since seeing WHS-MVP Grey Lancaster’s new iPad a couple of weeks ago. But as so many of the folks that know me have said, I have the Microsoft Kool-Aid running through my veins instead of blood and I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Boy am I glad I waited! This baby has all the things the iPad was lacking for me, USB Ports, Mini VGA Out, Win7 Operating System and the Right Click Functionality that HA can’t live without.

    The more I read about the TEGA-v2 the more excited I got. Wayne was going to be bringing one to SMB Nation with him, but I couldn’t wait, so I pinged Wayne and asked him to introduce me to Hugo Ortega, Mr TEGA. I got in touch with him and ordered a sample for myself as well. If you are curious and will be at SMB Nation later this month both Wayne and I will have them with us, you can take a look at the first two to be in North America although one will be leaving with Wayne when he goes home. And if you ask us, we will have some special discount coupons while they last. You will be able to find me most of the time hanging around the GFI Software booth, stop by and take a look.


    3 responses to “Potential iPad Killer Sighted DownUnder” RSS icon

    • Looks pretty good Andy….How much do they cost in USD? I think it could be an iPad killer but their website does not really give good idea of what they are selling the Tega2 for. For it to truly be an i_pad killer the price has to be in the same ballpark…in my opinion.

    • Hey Scott, Here is the offical word from TEGA, “Regarding USD pricing please let your readers know “official pricing will be announced on the 12th of October for North America, Europe and Australia.” I have not heard the exact pricing myself, but have to assume they know the market they are going after and will be inline with it.

    • Hey Andy,

      As you know I am a Microsoft employee and obviously drinking a lot of cool aide. Despite my intoxication on this cool aide, I have never really liked the i-pad. I agree that I think it lacks all of the trimmings like you mentioned. I always thought that a complete OS on one of these devices made more sense then a trimmed down OS that had to be enhanced by a completely different ecosystem of applications. Not saying that the App story is not a cool one from Apple, but I don’t like the lack of openness from Apple with their app store. I know that sounds funny coming from a softie, but come on, why do I have to pay a royalty to Apple for an App that someone else developed? I understand that Apple is trying to guarantee the stability of their platform, but Microsoft is not allowed to do this or at least hasn’t chosen to prohibit customers from developing and selling applications on their own for our platform. (i don’t know what the official policy is for a closed versus open appl store for Microsoft). I just know that we have a much more open model for our developer community than Apple. We have one of the most popular development platforms in the world. We just need to do a better job of making people aware of our incredible OS and development story. We need to put more sex appeal back on our product. Of course this is just my opinion and one coming from someone who has worked for Microsoft for over 9 years and in the software industry for 20. I have worked with OS/2, over 8 flavors of Unix and Windows since Windows 3.1 and DOS 5.0.

      I wonder what the future holds. Clearly there are a lot of rumors and announcements being made by other vendors like RIM that they are entering into this market. Apple is just beginning the trend setter here. Whether or not they are the one that is the market leader in a couple of years is up to them and the other companies that are in this race. All I know is that competition in this space is what is needed. I am so glad that we have such a competitive landscape now where choices are becoming more common place.


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